Instance Screnshots

What are Instance Screenshots?

In the world of design, it's common to work with various components that form the building blocks of a larger design.

Software tools like Figma and Sketch allow you to create these components and reuse them in different contexts. In AppMockUp, Instance Screenshots allow you to easily create variations of a Main Screenshot without starting from scratch.

To understand how Instance Screenshots work, it's helpful to first know about "main components" and "instance components" in design software.

Main components are building blocks of a design that are used repeatedly, such as a navigation bar or a button. Instance components are variations of these main components that can be customized for specific use cases, such as a different color or size.

Similarly, in AppMockUp, Instance Screenshots are copies of a Main Screenshot that inherit its properties but can also be customized to adapt the design to specific devices or contexts.

For example, you might have a Main Screenshot with a Title of a specific font size, but you want to create variations of that design for different devices that require a smaller font size, like for smaller smartphones.

Related articles

How to select an Instance Screenshot

How to Override Instance Screenshots Properties

How to Copy-Paste Instance Screenshots Style

How to Export Instance Screenshots

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